Monday, April 5, 2010

... Communication ...

First day, we'll start with something easy. Or somewhat easy.

One of my first papers in class we had to write on was this:

Personal communication strengths and weaknesses and how it affects my relationships on all levels.

So now i'm asking you the same thing. What are your communication strenths and weaknesses? What kind of relationship are you in?

Mine go as follows:

Lets start with a strength. I feel i have a strong strength in being able to express my feelings well. It seems if i'm feeling it inside it's not long before it "bursts" out of me. Its not very often you don't know what i'm thinking.
Now onto my weakness (sticking to just one of both as to not bore you). My weakness related to this strength is the way I express my feelings. I have been told many times that I have a way with expressing myself. Sometimes good, many times not. Often times I become very selfish and my wants are easily placed over the wants or needs of others. I am very "talented", if we'd like to call it talent, at persuading people to my view, or even forcing it on them. This could be viewed as both a weakness and strength. I have found that most times this “talent” I have, when used in personal, family, and friend relationships, almost always proved to be a weakness. My wants, my needs, and my goals, using this “talent”, are always placed before the other individual or group. I become very passionate about “my side” and honestly believe there is no other way. Sadly, at the cost of anyone else involved, I resort to any tactic I have to so I ensure that I win, if you will. Before I met my husband and was dating in college this way of communication seemed very prevalent. It always seemed to work in the beginning of relationships. My “passionate” nature about things I believe, in the beginning, came off as driven, ambitious, ect. It didn’t take long before my new friends would start to fade. Who likes to constantly be manipulated or convinced that their ways, ideas, opinions, and thoughts are never the “right” ones? Luckily, for my sake, communication is a big topic around my house. I can’t say I’ve completely improved in this area, but I started to look at how that may be making those around me feel. When I dated I tried to listen to their thoughts, their ideas, their opinions and not only that but also have an open mind to what they were communicating to me. I slowly found not only did I start to have better, more meaningful relationships, but I started to learn more about myself and my opinions, or ideas, that I always assumed were right. This change, although small still, I believe, assisted me in obtaining the relationship with the person who quickly became my best friend, and later my husband.

So there you have it. Day one of Sexuality in the life of Alex. =D Can't wait to hear all of your thoughts! In commenting if you'd like to leave a topic you think may be interesting to discuss that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for assisting me with the assignment!

♥ Alex ♥


West Family said...

communitcation is very important in a marriage relationship and it has taken me almost 7 years to realize how it can make or break a relationship. My biggest weakness if being afraid to voice my opinion for fear of causing confrontation. In a marriage relationship it is important to communicate about all topics relating to anything tha twill affect the whole family, especially when children come along. So my strength comes in finding ways to present my concerns in a way that doesn't offend (most of the time!). It is still a work in progress...but I hope this info helps you!

The Kessler's said...

I work at a place that deals with energy healing, and something we talk alot about here is now negative energy, if not released can cause lots of problems in your life. Communication is so important because it is a great release of energy. Something kind of interesting is how when anything bad happens, or bad feelings come up, you have created a harmful chemical in your body (the bad energy) which will infect all parts of you (physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually). It's not just an idea, it is an actual substance. If not released in a healthy way it will spread, and it will become harder to get rid of. The key is communicating things in a healthy way. If you are sharing your thoughts and feelings selfishly you are not releasing bad energy at all, you are just creating more (in yourself and the person you are communicating with). Anyway, just something kinda cool to think about. Love your blog!