How do you define something such as love? Especially as you walk around during the day i can almost guarantee you hear a sentence similar to this at least 20 times: "I LOOOOVE _________." Right? The blank has answers that range from "the park", "my dog", "butterfingers", "rainbows", "taking hot showers", "my sister", "my husband", "my puppies", etc., etc. Yes? So, again I ask, how do you define something so broad?
To give you my definition I feel i need to define not just love, but the different kinds of love I think i have in my life. Here goes:
1st. I LOVE my husband.
Love, as a definition pertaining to my husband, is first the deepest friendship i've ever had. I know I can tell him anything and everything without any fear of being unfairly judged. Second it is and accountability. We, because we love each other, choose to be accountable to each other. This means we know niether of us are perfect. Do we dwell on imperfections? I would be a fool to say no. Of couse sometimes we do. I would then be, in my opinion, an even greater fool to say we love each other inspite of our flaws. I think it is better put that we love each other enough to push each other, day by day, to do better than the day before. I think love is recognizing those short comings together and working as one to always strive to do better. Next, love, with my husband, is the yearning and excitement to share everything of myself with him. Everything that no one else is privledged to get to share :D.
2nd. I LOOOVE my family.
I can, without ease, tell anyone who asks that my family are my very best friends. Second only to my husband. Love with my family a feeling of belonging. Love here is a feeling of acceptance of ones true individual self. All those silly quirks and annoying habits that are apart of you they love because it is you. Who could know me better than people I have spent 22 years with?
I know these are brief, and somewhat inadequate definitions. Like I said earlier how can you really define something such as love. So I now throw it out to you.
How do you define Love? Does it have to vary from each person, place, or object? Could you have one definition for everytime you chose to use the word love?
Love (=D),
♥ Alex ♥
so figured you described your side of love so ill give you mine which in fact doesnt really differ from your ideas. I truely believe to be in love with someone you have to be willing to give all towards that person! now as you said love has different levels, the way i love friends and family will never amount to the love i have for you. does this mean i love everyone else less no but its different, there isnt that "sharing of ones self". i love my wife family and friends and would support them in there righteous doings, help build them up. hope this helps out some!
I think you can know that you have reached love when you are thinking of someone else's needs before your own. That can be applied to any thing or anybody. I love my cat, so I'll stand at the sink and let her drink water out of my hands even though my back gets sore from bending over. I love my mom, so I will go shopping with her on a Friday night even though I would rather hang out with Jeff. I love Jeff, so I wont scream at him for smacking his lips when he eats. Haha! But really. That's love.
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